If you’re trying to generate business, or get some new visitors to your webpage, one of the simplest ways to capture the attention you’re seeking is to make yourself more visible in a web search. It’s hard to generate new interest if the link to your carefully crafted, beautiful, easy-to-navigate website or matching mobile site is buried at the bottom of a search page or even located several results pages back. A solution to this visibility problem? Google’s AdWords, or now, Google Ads.
This summer, Google rebranded AdWords, becoming Google Ads, focusing on providing accessibility to companies of all sizes, not just large corporations with hefty advertising budgets. Google Ads in its new iteration is not only easy to use, it’s ideal for small businesses to get the online attention they want.
If you’re already focused on your online presence (and if you’re here looking at this blog, then you definitely are), it’s the perfect time to consider venturing into the world of Google Ads and pay per click advertising. Here’s why we think you should stop, and take some time to discover what Google Ads can do for you.
Google Ads Gets Your Webpage to the Front of the Line
In today’s world of instant gratification, the world is at our fingertips at a moment’s notice. No one wants to scroll through pages and pages of results looking for the solution to their internet quest: they want the right answer, right away.
By putting yourself at the very top of the search page, your company becomes the solution they were looking for. Your company’s ad is discoverable and visible, opening your virtual doors to all kinds of new visitors. Whether you’re the new yoga studio in town or you’re offering sweet treats at a new bakery just down the street, you’re getting noticed online, just by placing your Google Ad at the top of the results page.
Google Ads Get More Clicks
You may think that the majority of internet users conducting a standard search may choose to avoid the Google Ads at the top of their search, opting instead for organic results from their SERP (search engine results page). After all, the SERP would be more unbiased, so that’s where most people click, right?
Wrong. In fact, Google Ads receives 64.6% of clicks from a SERP, not the unpaid results that show up below it. Google Ads are effective. Like we said before, today’s internet users are programmed to expect immediate results. And in fact, many internet users can’t even distinguish Google Ads from organic results on the SERP. The ones who can? They appreciate that your Google Ad fits their search, and won’t spend time scrolling through other results to find something else. They’ll click on your ad, because they see it first.

It Gives You Options
Using Google Ads, every step has options. From the amount of money you pay for your Google Ad, to the exact phrasing of your ad (customized to match your new marketing campaign, of course), to who you are targeting with your ads, to how you analyze the data to see your ROI (return on investment), how you use Google Ads is entirely up to you. Running a small business, you know what your company needs better than anyone, and with so many customizable features, you only pay for what you need, and get the exact result you want. It’s that simple.
With Google Ads, your ad can be more engaging. Your Google Ad is much shinier and flashier than the standard links on a SERP. It can include extensions like links directly to your sale page, or directly to your contact information, ordering page, and more. It’s simple, attention-grabbing, and gives you total control over what browsers see about your company first.
It Makes Financial Sense
As we said before, with Google Ads, everything is customizable. You’re not paying a large, arbitrarily-set fee to mail a postcard to everyone in a specific location or paying a certain, predetermined amount for an ad on the radio or local television station that may or not appeal to viewers. Instead, your Google Ad matches your company with internet users who are seeking goods and services exactly like yours. With such targeted, specific adds, the ROI is off the charts.
The Takeaway:
Improving your place on the SERP with Google Ads will ensure that your site gets the right kind of attention from the right audience. When used properly, Google Ads can significantly enhance your online presence. Still mystified by the world of Google Ads, ROI, and creating an online presence? Let ICS Creative help you navigate the world of online advertising. We want to help you get your company’s name out into the world; we know the world will love what they see.
Other Resources:
Why Remarketing Should be Part Of Your Strategy
How is Conversational Marketing Taking Over?