Common Mistakes Businesses Make And How To Avoid Them

When you start a business it's a whirlwind of emotions. You're tired, you're excited and you don't really know what you're doing but you're determined to figure it out. I ...

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The Importance of Customer-Centricity

Of course, customer service is important. Being in a client-facing business, the goal is to consistently provide a positive experience, no matter what service you're ...

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Easing Into Sales & Marketing Automation - What You Need To Know

Automation, specifically sales and marketing automation is no longer an expensive piece of tech that only businesses can dream of incorporating into their day-to-day ...

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5 Extremely Effective Social Media Posts (Inspired by Atlantic Canadian brands!)

Social Media (noun): websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. "Create and share content". "Content."

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2021: By Design or Circumstance?

2020 was a unique year and, for most of it, we had plenty of spare time to spend online. How will that affect the digital world that — for better or worse — became our ...

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Recognized by Clutch As A Top Canadian Web Design Agency

If you’re a business owner looking to establish your presence in the digital landscape, a good place to start would be your website. Your website should have an aesthetically ...

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Three Signs Your Business Is Ready For E-Commerce

E-commerce. You’ve likely heard of it. I mean, if you’re one of the 1.8 BILLION people around the world who bought something online then ya… you’ve heard of it. E-commerce is ...

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SIx Features Every E-Commerce Store Should Have

Ask yourself this... how much are you spending online every year? Statista says the average consumer spends $1,800 per year through e-commerce, and that number has only gone ...

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Facebook Bans Engagement Bait

Like this post. Share this post. Tag your friends in the comments below. Vote in the comments with one of these emojis. This is what Facebook has become. You will be hard ...

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Why Learning To Speak Brand Language Is Important

Picture it. You're scrolling through your Facebook feed, and you come across an engaging photo of a beautifully designed logo and current project from a new renovation ...

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