How To Set Up Google My Business

Regardless of what type of business you have setting up your Google My Business account should be one of the first things you do. Where Google My Business (GMB) is such a ...

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Cannabis - How To Market and Promote Legally in Canada

Have you started your cannabis business yet? With billions of dollars being invested into the space it is no wonder people are starting businesses around the cannabis to get ...

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How To Create A Social Media Strategy

Last week, I hosted a workshop for folks to learn more about what a sincere, and sustainable brand and strategy should look like. At ICS, we work with solopreneurs, startups, ...

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4 Benefits Of Marketing Automation

With marketing automation beginning to be more prominent in our day to day activities it makes sense that businesses are quickly adapting to this fast growing industry. If ...

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How To Use New AR Filters With Instagram Marketing

Art, designs and storytelling. To me, this brings an emotional connection. When you think about telling your brand story and why you do what you do, it becomes a big ...

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Boosted Posts and Facebook Ads: What's The Difference?

It's pretty juicy, that big blue "Boost Post" button you see on every post you create. Then there are Facebook ads, so what's the difference? Will boosting your posts help ...

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How A Pay-Per-Click Agency Can Save You Money

When it comes to running a business, you need to wear a lot of hats. One day you are head of sales, next day HR and then other days you're the marketing department. Taking on ...

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Custom Website Design VS Templated Websites - Pros & Cons

For new business owners, setting up a website is both an exciting and daunting task. You’ll have to make a lot of choices and one of the biggest is whether to have a custom ...

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Local Business Advertising - How To Market Your Business Effectively

Do you ever find yourself visiting a big box store and then prefer ending up in a local small shop offering similar products or services? I do all the time. Why is this? Shop ...

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20 Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Web Design Agency - Part 2

It's been a few weeks since we released 20 Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Web Design Agency - Part 1. If you haven't read it already, you might want to before you dive into ...

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