Does the Medical Industry Really Need to Market Themselves?

Sometimes, it’s easy to get complacent in the medical industry. After all, it’s not like going to the salon. People need healthcare. And that need for healthcare doesn’t go ...

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How Customer Surveys Can Increase Your Bottom Line

Full disclosure, this post has very little to do with its featured image, but I have been dying to find a way to get Mr. Feeny in some of my written work. Anyway! When you ...

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Why Remarketing Should Be Part Of Your Strategy

In a world of constant advertising it is hard to even process how many ads we see each day. With a first impression being so difficult, remarketing becomes an easy way to ...

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The Ultimate Social Media Image Cheat Sheet

Get your bookmarks ready!

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How To Defend Facebook's New Reach Algorithm

Do you remember Facebook for business years ago? You would post a picture on your Facebook business page and suddenly it's reached 10,000 people organically. Comments are ...

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ICS Becomes The Only HubSpot Certified Agency Partner In New Brunswick

Saint John, New Brunswick: April 16th, 2018 ICS Creative Agency announced that it has joined HubSpot as a Certified Agency Partner. HubSpot, a leading CRM, marketing, sales, ...

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How To Sell Like A Pro - Refine Your Business Strategy

Lately I have been educating myself on the sales process. Learning more about how to move prospects into leads, leads into opportunities, opportunities into customers and ...

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ICS Attends BigCommerce Partner Day 2018

You might have seen us there on social, but this past month we partnered with Opportunities New Brunswick to attend BigCommerce Partner Day in Austin, Texas. So if you ...

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How to get and receive love from your customers

Keeping a customer happy could be considered one of the most underrated but easiest tasks to create brand awareness and increased sales. Show love and become loved. Making ...

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How to create a strong sitemap and why it matters.

I have helped a lot of businesses with their SEO over the last 10 years and there is most often a misunderstanding around sitemaps.

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